My Reflection

          Finally, after 13 weeks I go through this course, I have learned a lot about Information and Communication (ICT) especially in Biology subject. Before I take this course, I only know about a few things of ICT such as Microsoft Word and Power Point, now I learn a lot of new things related to ICT such as how to create blog, what are simulation and modeling, smart board and also data logging. From this course, I know how to use them, how to integrate them in the Biology lesson and the importance of integrating them in the classroom.

          By using Engage, Empower and Enhance model, I think we can teach every topic more systematically and that lesson will become more meaningful to the students. This is because, this model is different from the conventional method such as chalk and talk or just relying on text book. If teacher just enter the class and only teach the lesson based on text book, the lesson will be dull, boring and students will not interested to learn that lesson. They also cannot understand the topic and relate them to the daily phenomena. By using Engage, Empower and Enhance model, first we can get the idea and previous knowledge of the students about the topic we will teach. From that, we can elicit misconception of the students about that topic. Next, after we teach them in the Empower stage, we can test their understanding by using Enhance. 

          This model is really good to be implemented in the teaching and learning activities because it can make the teaching process more effective. But there are a few difficulties to implement this model such as we need to plan the lesson very well before teaching every topic and need to prepare material needed based on every activity. This model also needs a longer time to be implemented compared to the traditional teaching method. As a teacher, we need to finish the syllabus on time and the time restriction is the main factor why this method cannot be applied in every topic.

          From this subject, I also learn about data logging. This technology is really important to do experiment especially experiment that need really precise data. But there are a few problems in integrating this technology in school such as the school cannot provide the tools because of the high price, we need to expert in using it and some experiment that using data logger may be difficult to be conducted. Although data logger can cut the time to do experiment, sometime it also will take more time if we face some problems when carry out the experiment such as the data logger is not function. So, we need to repeat the experiment again.

          Before taking this course, I ever heard about simulation and modeling but I do not really know what they are. I also cannot differentiate which one is simulation and which one is model. By using simulation and modeling, it can help teacher in conducting the teaching process. It can attract students to learn that topic because it is interactive, colorful and interesting. By using model, students can play the model, change the variable on see the changes on their own. Student also can look what is the real process happen if we show them simulation. We also can demonstrate to student certain things that take a long time to be conducted or impossible to carry out the experiment. Simulation and modeling can make some topic easier to be understood. The challenges in integrating this method in teaching are, teacher need to search the materials to be shown to students related to the topic to be taught. Teachers also should not rely on this method only to teach because they still need to prepare other material also. Let’s say there are technical problem occur when we want to use technology in the teaching and learning, so we need to teach by other method. Sometime unexpected problem may occur such as there is no electricity, the technology tools is not function, no internet access and so on.

          From this class also, I learn about interactive white board. I think this is very interesting but quite complicated to do. I need to learn and explore more about this to get used to it and become more expert in handling this. Smart board is a good method to be implemented in teaching process because it is interactive and collaborative. Students might enjoy learn through this way but it is difficult to be implemented because not all school provide this facility. Maybe in the future, when its price become cheaper, the chances for every school to have this facility will increase and more students may get chance to learn by using smart board.

          I think in the technology era today, we really need to use technology in teaching together with the traditional method. Technology does not take over the role of teacher but it does facilitate teacher in teaching and help student to improve their understanding. Technology also can help student to be attracted to the topic to be learned. But teachers must bear in mind, they must choose the correct method to be used in the teaching based on the time available, what topic or subject, the students background, school facilities and so on. To use technology in teaching, teacher must expert in using it and handles it. Schools also must provide the tools and materials needed. The supporting staffs are also needed to help teacher in preparing and using the technology tools for the teaching activities.

          I want to thanks my lecturer, Assoc Prof Dr Sopia Md Yassin, Mr. Halim, Mr. Adi, Mr. Faizi and my classmates for all the lesson I gain from this class, guidance and support in completing the task for this subject. I think this subject is interesting and I enjoy learning all those new things but sometime the task is quite difficult and challenging to be completed. That’s all from me. Thank you.


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