My Teaching Philopsophy

          My teaching philosophy is education based on the belief that education is very important in our life whether to solve the problem or to be a wise person. The profession as a teacher is very challenging and need a lot of patience to face the students’ behavior and various kind of students’ characteristic. I believe the responsibility of education is to create the students with knowledge, skill to succeed in their life and apply moral value in their daily life. My goal for my students is to inculcate positive learning culture among students and develop their thinking skills. As an educator, I will strive to encourage excellence in my students and myself. I will try to come up with materials that are more interactive and challenging. Therefore, the students will be more interested to learn and get more information if I use the interesting materials ant teaching method. I believe that by using multimedia like slides, simulation, modeling and videos, it is more effective than rely on the conventional method only.

          As an educator, I must do something that will attract the students to pay attention to my teaching process. I must attempt to come up with something different and interesting that will encourage the students to be more interested in learning process. As a teacher, we cannot just enter the class and think to finish all the syllabuses, but the most important thing; we must make sure our teaching is attractive and meaningful, so the students can understand about the topic better. I believe that the students usually come from variety of educational background. So, as a teacher, I must make sure all of our students can follow what I am teaching in front of the class and always ask them about the topic that are taught. As a teacher, I cannot neglect the students that have low academic performance because no one knows everything and everyone has special talents. As a good teacher, I should not be bias to my students. I must give them the best service. It doesn’t matter whether they come from high social economic status or low economic status. To me, their background should not be the barrier among teacher and students. The most important things, I want to be like their friend but at the same time, they respect me as their teacher. By this way, the teaching and learning process will be more meaningful.

          I will constantly find ways to reflect, re-assess, evaluate, find and test new measures to improve my teaching. Besides, I will try to be respectful to my students if they want to give and share their opinion and it is actually can encourage students to think critis and creatively and they not just accept teacher’s opinion. I want to be a good guider to my students especially when they want my help to support them in their academic and even to solve their problems. I also want to be as a role model to my students besides to be their teacher. I hope one day I will try to be a good and dedicate teacher to my students.


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